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paper mulch中文是什么意思

用"paper mulch"造句"paper mulch"怎么读"paper mulch" in a sentence


  • 纸幂


  • This research is a part of the liaoning natural science fund - " study on the mechanism of saving water and cost for the rice planting technology of germinated rice seed direct sowing with recycling paper mulching " ( 20022082 )
    本研究是辽宁省自然科学基金“纸膜覆盖水稻种植工艺及其作用机理” ( 20022082 )的一部分。本文在查阅了国内外大量文献资料的基础上,研究了国内外节水技术的研究动态和水稻种植机械化的发展。
用"paper mulch"造句  
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